Family Outfit guide
What to Wear For Your
Newborn Lifestyle Session
You've just come home with your sweet newborn baby, possibly back home to your other children, and you are just thinking about surviving these first few weeks... and hoping for some sleep! While you are loving this time, enjoying family moments and possibly seeing your older children love on their little brother or sister, you suddenly remember that you haven't chosen outfits for your Newborn Lifestyle session and that it is coming up!
How many people love choosing outfits for photos on a normal day?
Not many!
Here are some tips and ideas for making choosing outfits for your Newborn Lifestyle session as easy as pie!

Family Outfit Guide
I've compiled a few frequently asked questions I get from my families that have booked Newborn sessions with me. My hope is that this calms some stress around choosing outfits and allows you to easily and confidently look at choices for your family and give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down without too much thought!
What should my newborn wear for our session? Most newborns are wrapped swaddles or a diaper cover. As a RN who used to work in Labor & Delivery, I am more than happy to help you swaddle your new little one! I recommend a classic white swaddle or one that has significance to you! If you have a special outfit for them, we can be sure to include that during the session!
What should the whole family wear? A combination of natural colors is a beautiful, simple way to make your family shine. Any bright colors, busy patterns, or logos can interfere with the focus being on you as a family. Keep it simple and don't stress ;) Textures are a great way to add some interest to your photos, as well as layers! I often have clients send me options for the family and I love to help guide their decision!
Should we all wear the same color? Blending multiple colors together that coordinate rather than match is ideal! Not everyone needs to wear the same color blue, for example. Having mom in a white dress, dad in jeans and a grey button down, your daughter in a cream dress, and your newborn in a light pink swaddle is a perfect way to blend light/neutral colors without all being the exact same!