Houston Newborn Photographer
New Mom Advice
As I write this, my 11 week old is napping. I am a new momma and wow, I love this gig! My husband and I absolutely love being parents, but that doesn't mean it comes without challenges (less sleep for one, ha!)
I reached out to my amazing instagram followers during my pregnancy to help answer one big question I had:
What is the best advice YOU have ever been given when it comes to being a mom?

The Best Advice
There are all the normal things that people say when it comes to being a mom like, "You can do this!"... "How fun and exciting!"... "You'll be so great!" Now while those are very sweet and encouraging, transitioning into a new, huge life role means soaking up as much deep, good advice as you can. The wisdom shared by my instagram friends went to a deeper level and encouraged my heart as a mom-to-be! I'm so excited to share their advice here with you.

Advice to remember...
- There will be hard days, but YOU are still the best mom for your baby and he/she adores you!
- Every season is a phase, and it's OK if you don't love every second of every phase (haha!)
- Don't be afraid to ASK for help! Let your loved ones love you and your baby.
- Find a rhythm, find a routine, but don't worry about a strict schedule
- Live in the moment, and enjoy the passage of time. Each day is special!
- It's ok to have hard days... and it's ok to not put your baby down for every nap, soak in those extra snuggles!
- Get out, whether with your husband, family, friends, or alone!
- Don't feel crazy for needing alone time.
- Stay hydrated :)

The newborn phase is beautiful and hard and growing and sweet... and it goes very quick! I can already look back at my baby and he has grown so much in the last 11 weeks! Don't forget to capture the time when they are so little and new, whether it's on your iPhone or with a professional photographer :)